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Reading Fluency & Comprehension

Hi everyone,
My little learners have been working SO hard on their reading these past few months and I am VERY excited to show what what they have been up to!
I have quite a few struggling readers this year so I made these fun fluency phrases for my guided reading groups. We start each page with the “get ready” box at the top. This box contains the sight words that will appear in the progressive phrase. We read them 3 times, to make sure we can recognise them when it’s time to start reading. 
Some kiddos struggled with the phrases, even after reading the words in the “get ready” box. I decided to pull out my MAGIC highlighters and we got to work matching the words from the box and the words in the fluency phrase. This worked like a CHARM and my struggling kiddos were now able to read the phrases on their own. MAGIC! 

After reading the progressive phrase 3 times, we got to work on the comprehension questions. My little readers also drew a picture to show me what they know about the phrase. Drawing a picture is such an effective way to have kids tell you about a story. Many are so much more comfortable with drawing than putting their ideas into words. 

See those little birds under each word? 
Those are there to help my kiddos point as they read 😉

Some of my readers are doing very well and do not need that extra scaffolding. For those readers, I have been using my reading comprehension passages for some of our guided reading sessions. 

It is incredible the see their growth in grade one…
This little cookie did not know her letter sounds when she came to me in September. Now, she can read passages and answer comprehension question INDEPENDENTLY! Amazing 🙂

We have also been using my reading passages with our reading partners. We practice taking turns to read and we work together to find evidence in the text for the inferencing questions. 

You can find the activities above in my Fluency and Reading Comprehension sets.
Click on the pictures below to check them out!





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