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Christmas Activities!

Hi there, friends!

Are you ready to tackle the final schools days before winter break? I am! Let me share my plans for the next couple of weeks with you Christmas lovers 😉

My goal this week is to keep my students as engaged as they can be, while learning lots until the very last day of school. How will I attempt this? With fun writing craftivities, of course! I’m throwing some fun crafts into my plans for the next couple of weeks and I just know that my students will be thrilled.

First, we’re going to be working on this 3D snowflake craft. It sure does look like a complicated craft, but please don’t panic! I have step-by-step instructions HERE for you. I promise that your students will love this one 😉

If you’re looking for a fun parent gift, you may want to try out this snow globe project. I have step-by-step instructions for you HERE.

Finally, I hope to get a few craftivities done before our Winter break rolls around. Kids get so inspired to write amazing stories when their writing is paired with a fun craft!
**Click on the pictures below to get more info on each craftivity**

I will also be using some of my NO PREP activities in order to review a few skills/concepts that have been learned so far this year. These Christmas-themed activities will be perfect for the next two weeks 😉

I hope you find something you like!
Don’t forget to enjoy the last days with your kiddies. The school year is just about half way over! Doesn’t it fly by?? 😉

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