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Distance Learning Resources

What a strange world we’re living in right now… It’s been difficult on everyone and we’re all dealing with it as best as we can with the recommendations that our governments are imposing on us. Here in Canada, I’m in self-isolation and am not allowed to leave my house unless it’s for food or other essential services. Schools are closed, stores are closed, and parks are off limits. It’s difficult… but I know that we’re all in this together and we’ll get through it!

In the meantime, I’d like to offer my fellow teacher friends some resources that you can share with your students who are home. I put together two bundles of activities. One is a set of interactive games and the other is a selection of printables. You have, of course, my permission to share these with your students during your school closures.

I hope that these two FREE bundles bring you a little bit of joy and help you with distance teaching.

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