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Flash MATH

Do you ever wish you had a quick activity to keep your students engaged while you work with a small group, organize your supply closet, or *ahem* make yourself a cup of coffee? I sure did and that’s why I came up with Flash Math. These games are sure to keep all students engaged and learning while we teachers get *all the things* done! 

These math games are super easy to use and I just know that you will love them! Each game lasts approximately eight minutes and runs all by itself. No need to click through the slides; they will transition all on their own!

Each slide has a timer bar at the bottom. It is 20 second timer and will help your students manage their time when answering each question. It will also help them monitor when the next question is about to appear on the screen. 

All games comes with a recording sheet that can be used to track your students’ work. 

When your students are finished answering all 24 questions, they will click on “GO” and the answer key will appear. This will allow them to check their work independently and you know what that means… MORE time for YOU! 😉 

Here is a list of the games that are currently included in Flash MATH:
Counting On
Addition 1-10
Addition 1-20
Subtraction from 10
Subtraction from 20
Comparing Numbers 1-20
Comparing Numbers 1-100
Skip Counting by 2, 5, & 10
Base-Ten Blocks
Hundred Chart (ten more/ten less)

Take a look at this video to see how easy Flash Math is:

Want to give it a try? Grab this FREE download

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