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Looking to integrate a great, everyday tech boost for your classroom?

In today’s 21st century classroom, many of us are compelled to integrate technology into our daily learning so kids can build independent tech literacy, and have access to flexible reading and math practice that fits into your schedule and adapts to the needs and abilities of your students. 

Since the pandemic, essentially every district has digital curriculum resources provided for this evolution in learning. Though they recognize the importance, sometimes we’re provided with one-size fits all online or digital materials that require additional support to keep students engaged and help them thrive. 

Let’s use the virtual revolution for our benefit 

For teachers looking for more, it can feel like reinventing the wheel to try and create useful core subject tech materials that our students  Thankfully, because of our increasingly digital world, we have access to the innovations of teachers all across the globe.

I created sets of go-to cooperative and interactive learning activities in my TPT store that will save you time and help you tackle tech integration in your classroom. With some creativity and the right resources, it IS possible to have fun and engaging activities while also complying with standards, expectations, and primary grade learning objectives.

TECHNOLOGY support you’ll love!

Tech integration is a great option for center time, but I have some flexible resources you can also use with your whole group! This can be especially useful at the beginning of the year while you are still getting students prepped with classroom management norms for centers.

When it comes to whole-group learning, we’ve gone from classic chalkboards to interactive smartboards with tons of digital features over the past few decades. Let’s use this to our advantage! Having this tool front-and-center in the classroom means we can bring our learning centers from the perimeter of the classroom to the forefront for whole group instruction that helps us assess and set the tone and expectation for independent work down the line. 

By utilizing your smartboard and my digital learning resources, you can enhance the classroom learning experience all year long by participating in games to improve student skills.

 Another bonus is that these activities can also be integrated into virtual learning days or extra practice. 

Flash Math and Flash Phonics for your classroom

I love using smartboards for whole-class activities like Flash Phonics and Flash Math games. I often have students complete these independently or in small groups circulate through the classroom. These games are perfect for independent learning. As students work individually at their desks, a set of 24 questions will autoplay every 20 seconds once started—no need for you to sit and advance the slide manually! By filling out their answers on recording sheets, students can record their answer to the questions shown on the screen. Once complete, they can individually check their answers for accuracy.

My Flash Games are fun and engaging activities that students can use to practice their skills all year long.

With my Flash Phonics set, you get games that focus on the following phonics skills:

  • Beginning sounds – choose the sound
  • Beginning sounds – write the sound
  • CVC words – fill in the medial sound
  • CVC words – write whole word
  • Beginning digraphs – fill in the missing digraph
  • Beginning digraphs – circle the correct digraph
  • Ending digraphs – fill in the missing digraph
  • Ending digraphs – circle the correct digraph
  • Silent e – fill in the missing vowel

With my Flash Math set, your students can practice all these math skills, from their seats or from home:

  • Counting On
  • Addition 1-10
  • Addition 1-20
  • Subtraction from10
  • Subtraction from20
  • Comparing Numbers 1-20
  • Comparing Numbers 1-100
  • Skip Counting 2,5,10
  • Base-ten blocks (tens & ones)
  • Hundred Chart – ten more/ten less
  • Time (:00 & :30)
  • Time (5-minute intervals)
  • Fractions
  • Place Value: counting base-ten blocks with hundreds, tens, & ones
  • Place Value: Drawing tens & ones
  • Hundred Chart (more/less)
  • Decomposing a number
  • Geometry (shape names)
  • Symmetry
  • Even/Odd

Try my Flash Math digital resource for free!

If you’re still on the fence about how these fun and interactive games might work in your classroom, you can try out the game Addition 1-10 for FREE! I know how hard it can be to envision exactly how these digital resources can work in your primary classroom, so I’d love for you to download, try it, and let me know how it works for you!

Looking for other digital resources for the classroom? Visit my store for tons of ideas for engaging tech activities. And make sure you stay tuned to the blog for primary resources you’ll love.

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