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Sneaky E Around The Room

Hi everyone,
Last week, we learned all about the sneaky e! 
I used an activity from my guided reading pack and displayed it up on my Smart board. This was so fun! Everyone got a chance to come up to the board and write a word with that silly sneaky e 🙂
My kiddies needed something to get them up and out of their seats so I added a fun “read/write the room” activity to my plans for the week:)
My little firsties just LOVE anything that involves moving around so this was PERFECT!
 I made a quick recording sheet for them to fill out as they read the words around the room. It made it easy for me to check on my students and take note of who will need extra practice during guided reading this week. Don’t you love when you can assess your kids without it feeling like ANOTHER test? 😉
If you are working on the sneaky e with your class, you might want to grab this activity for FREE in my TPT store. I hope your kiddies will have as much fun with as we did!

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