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Back To School *GOODIES*

Its’ that time again… We’re getting ready to go back to our classrooms after our well-deserved summer break. Walking into our rooms for the first time in months is quite overwhelming, isn’t it? Furniture has been pushed one corner of the room, shelves are covered, all our *stuff* is in boxes, and bulletin boards are bare. I always get nervous on that first day when I look at all the work that needs to be done. We want our classrooms to be PERFECT for our new bunch but we don’t always know where to start. Am I right?!

I always find it best to take a step back and make myself a list. I break it up into small tasks and try to assign myself those tasks on specific days. That way, my list looks much shorter and I feel like I’ve accomplished a lot at the end of each day. Then, before you know it, my new kiddos have arrived and I’m ready for them!

Recently, I sent out a bunch of helpful resources to my subscribers in the hopes of making the first days back a little easier. Have you received them? If you haven’t, it might be because aren’t signed up yet! No worries though… I can send them to you all in one email!


Here’s what you need to do: Leave your name and email below. Once you’ve done that, you will get an email from me with the above freebies! It’s as easy as that. 😉

Don’t worry, I promise not to SPAM you. I only send relevant content to my subscribers!

I’m looking forward to sharing teaching tips, ideas, and resources with you.

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